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Claudio - Our Family Philosopher

Claudio zerlegt einen Fisch

... and he too shares the family obsession for cooking. This was shot Christmas 2008 when Claudio was the hero of the day, offering to gut and to fillet the fish. Claudio writes some fiction too but so far I only get his scholarly work for publication. And one little excercise in journalism not to forget.

Blitze im Dunkeln. Eine fragmentarische Analyse zu Dea Lohers Theaterstück Diebe Szenenanalyse Dea Loher Diebe

Geschichten in der Geschichte. Selbstreflexivität und Erzähldilemmata in Wim Wenders' frühen Filmen Paper for a Film History Course at HFF Potsdam

Richard Powers – Facticious Fiction, Fictitious Fact Ein Artikel über das Seminar, das Richard Powers im Sommersemester 2009 an der FU-Berlin gab

Commonplace Observations< Claudio's contribution to the Richard Powers' Berlin Project: "Facticious Fiction, Fictitious Fact". A creative writing seminar Richard Powers held at the FU summer 2009. This piece is about a family trip to London in 1996 and the bits and pieces different members of the family remember after more than ten years. Therefore it's the ultimate piece for the WinterWeb and I had to beg Claudio for quite some time in order to get his approval.

Der Prozess um des Esels Schatten bei Christoph Martin Wieland und Friedrich Dürrenmatt - ein Vergleich

Der "andere Zustand" als "Dichtungszustand"? Zur Wechselwirkung zwischen Werk und Schreibakt bei Robert Musil.

Atomschichten und Nachtschichten Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin - eine kleine Reportage über das Paul Drude Institut. In order to keep the original format, this is a pdf file. Would be nicer to open it within the browser - but I don't know how .... yet.

copyright 2009 - 2020 Richard Winter
Ideen, Anregungen, Kritik? Einfach ein Mail schicken an richard@richardhwinter.de