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JD Salinger: What can his unpublished stories tell us about him?
By Gaby Wood published 12:36PM GMT 10 Dec 2013 in The Telegraph

A Hint That J.D. Salinger Kept Writing, From A Story He Didn't Write
By Susan Stamberg - Originally published on Mon October 7, 2013 9:15 am
From NPR New Orleans

a quite recent website dedicated entirely to Salinger's work
A study project by two graduate students at Virginia Commonwealth University.

J. D. Salinger’s Women
The winsome, uncanny girls of Salinger’s fiction have real-life counterparts. They’ve always kept the secrets of this country’s most famous recluse. Till Joyce Maynard changed her mind.

By Paul Alexander

dead caulfields - the life & works of j.d. salinger
A wonderful eye-catching site with photos, videos (you can argue about them), and tons of material about Salinger, his books, and his protagonists.


J.D. Salinger (1919-2010): A Minor Memoir
An obituary from our favorite film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum


Featured Author: J. D. Salinger
With News and Reviews From the Archives of The New York Times


Über „Hapworth 16, 1924“:
J.D. Salinger - Sieh mehr, lies mehr, schreib nichts
Von Reinhard Helling

Frankfurter Allgemeine FAZ.NET, 16.06.2005

JD Salinger, Franny and Zooey - von Amy Hungerford, Lecuture 10 aus der Vorlesung "The American Novel Since 1945", Yale University
oyc.yale.edu - eine Fundgrube!

Verschollene Salinger-Briefe - "Wir gingen durch die Hölle", von Marc Pitzke, New York
Spiegel Online, 17.03.2010

Secret J.D. Salinger Documentary & Book, Now Revealed (Mike Has Seen The Film) from DEADLINE NEW YORK (www.deadline.com) by Mike Fleming, Friday, January 29, 2010

J. D. Salinger in Deutschland Gunzenhausens heimlicher Held, von Bernd Noak
Frankfurter Allgemeine FAZ.NET, 22.09.2009

Contemporary NYT critic of Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters: Seymour By Steven Marcus , New York Review of Books, Volume 1, Number 1, February 1, 1963

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